Thesaurus : Doctrine
► Référence complète : Fr. Berrod, "Introduction au DMA : un esprit pionnier de la régulation des plateformes numériques", Dalloz IP/IT, 2023, pp. 266-271
► Résumé de l'article (fait par l'auteur) : "Le Digital Markets Act (DMA) a été proposé en même temps que son jumeau le Digital Service Act et ils ont été négociés en parallèle et stabilisés par la présidence française de l'Union européenne. Il est applicable à partir du 2 mai 2023. Sa négociation fut menée de façon remarquablement rapide (moins de seize mois pour obtenir l'accord politique sur la proposition de la Commission du 15 déc. 2020), si l'on rappelle la difficulté de ces deux textes, tant technique que juridique. Le DMA vient modifier les directives (UE) 2019/1937 et (UE) 2020/1828. Le titre technique choisi reflète l'ambition de ce texte, consacré « aux marchés contestables et équitables dans le secteur numérique ». Nous retracerons dans cette contribution les principaux éléments de compréhension du DMA.".
🦉Cet article est accessible en texte intégral pour les personnes inscrites aux enseignements de la Professeure Marie-Anne Frison-Roche
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► Référence complète : M.-A. Frison-Roche, "Régulation, Compliance et Gouvernance : un équilibre à expliciter pour accroître la solidité de l’espace numérique", in M-A. Frison-Roche & G. Loiseau (dir.), Durabilité de l'Internet : le rôle des opérateurs du système des noms de domaine. Compliance et régulation de l'espace numérique, Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) et Institut de Recherche Juridique de la Sorbonne (André Tunc - IRJS), Université Paris I-Panthéon-Sorbonne, 21 février 2025.
🧮consulter le programme complet de cette manifestation
► Résumé de cette conférence :
🎥voir aussi la présentation de l'autre intervention faite au cours de ce colloque : Contrôle de la proportionnalité entre contraintes et pouvoirs : exemple de l’impératif technique d’inclusion.
Thesaurus : Doctrine
Thesaurus : Doctrine
Référence complète : Boy, , "Réflexion sur le "droit de la régulation". A propos du texte de Marie-Anne Frison-Roche", D., chron., 2001, p.3031 et s.
Thesaurus : Doctrine
► Référence complète : P.-Y. Gautier, « Contre le droit illimité à la preuve devant les autorités administratives indépendantes », Mélanges en l'honneur du Professeur Claude Lucas de Leyssac, LexisNexis, 2018, p.181-193.
📘 Lire une présentation générale de l'ouvrage dans lequel l'article est publié
Publications : Doctrine
► Référence complète : Houtcieff, D., Les plateformes au défi des plateformes, in L'émergence d'un droit des plateformes, Dalloz, coll. « Thèmes et commentaires », 2021, pp.51-64.
► Lire la présentation générale de l'ouvrage dans lequel s'insère cet article.
Publications : Jurisprudence
►Référence complète : CJUE, 17 juillet 2008, République tchèque c/Pologne , aff C-121/21 R.
32/06, Rec., p. I-545
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Thesaurus : Doctrine
Feb. 21, 2025
Organization of scientific events
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► Full Reference: M.-A. Frison-Roche & G. Loiseau (dir.), Durabilité de l'Internet : le rôle des opérateurs du système des noms de domaine. Compliance et régulation de l'espace numérique (Sustainability of the Internet: the role of the operators of the domain name system. Compliance and regulation of the digital space), Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Institut de Recherche Juridique de la Sorbonne (André Tunc - IRJS), Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University, 21 Fabruary 2025
► General presentation of this symposium: The digital space has been built on and as a system. Its primary interest is of a negative nature: it consists of to be preserved against the prospect of systemic failure, of not collapsing. Like all other systems, this 'Monumental Goal' specific to the digital system justifies resources that incorporate this concern for the future. As with all systems, it integrates and relies on the specific technical nature of this system.
The digital space is largely based on the invention, technology and architecture of domain names. Domain names, as an addressing system, enable users to enter the digital space and find other Internet users. The uniqueness and solidity of the domain name system, entrusted to a single root and decentralisation, makes this community possible for those who use the digital space and ensures the technical durability required, without which the digital space would be compromised.
The architecture, operation, operators and what they do under the control of legislators, regulators, judges and legal subjects are therefore examined from a dual technical and legal perspective, in the light of the imperative of sustainability.
This allows to progress in 4 stages.
Firstly, to examine the permanence in time and space of the domain name system, insofar as it is the foundation of the Internet and the digital system. This technical construction gives rise to legal qualifications, not only for the present but also for the future, since the Web3 offers new technical solutions.
Secondly, this technical sustainability is an imperative that is built into the operators of the domain names themselves, which are inter-linked not only at national level but also at global level, this cross-linking being necessary for the security of the system. The State is present through public law techniques that enable surveillance, control and possible recovery.
Thirdly, it imposes constraints on the operators subject to them in order to serve this monumental goal of technical sustainability, and these constraints themselves generate as many powers as they need to usefully achieve this mission. This proportionality must be at the heart of the method and the requirements. The relationship between constraints and powers also stems from it.
Fourthly, this imperative of technical sustainability, which is global in nature, gives way to imperatives of societal sustainability, more localised in space and time, when domain name operators are called upon by the legitimate authors of binding standards, legislators in the first instance, to express concerns such as the protection of people involved in the digital space and whose rights are compromised or who are in danger.
This second type of sustainability, which is more localised and less inherent in the architecture of the Internet, is justified by the available power of the operators concerned and their adherence to social imperatives. The resulting constraints and powers are therefore not the same.
The 2 sustainabilities must then be articulated in a conception that is both teleological and pragmatic.
► Speakers (they will speak in French, but the book to be published will be in English):
🎤Pierre Bonis, Chief Executive Officer of the Association française pour le nommage Internet en coopération (Afnic)
🎤Lucien Castex, Adviser of the Afnic Chief Executive Officer for Research internet and society and Internet governance
🎤Marie-Anne Frison-Roche, Full Professor of Regulatory and Compliance Law, Director of the Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC)
🎤Claire Leveneur, Senior Lecturer at Paris-Est Créteil University
🎤Grégoire Loiseau, Full Professor at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University
🎤Samir Merabet, Full Professor at the University of West Indies
🎤Antoine Oumedjkane, Senior Lecturer at Lille University
🎤Frédéric Sardain, attorney at law, Jeantet law firm
read below a detailed presentation of this event⤵️
Jan. 18, 2025
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► Référence complète : M.-A. Frison-Roche, "Statut et rôle de la "trajectoire" dans le Droit de la Régulation et de la Compliance", in série de vidéos Surplomb, 18 janvier 2025
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Dec. 18, 2024
Thesaurus : Doctrine
► Référence complète : G. Beaumier & A. Newman, "When Serving the Public Interest Generates Private Gains: Private Actor Governance and Two-Sided Digital Markets, Cambridge Université Press, 2024.
📝lire l'article : cliquer ICI
► Résumé de l'article ( fait par les auteurs) : "From speech to privacy, broad public interests are increasingly governed online by policy decisions taken by private companies. We examine when and how firms make such decisions. In contrast to the shadow of hierarchy and functionalist explanations of private authority, we build an analytical framework based on business power and the economics literature concerned with two-sided markets. We argue that companies operating as digital platforms may use private actor governance to consolidate their influence. More precisely, public-interest regulation on one side of the market (e.g., protecting the privacy of end-users) may increase the dependence of firms on the other side of the market (e.g., increasing the price paid for information by advertisers). We probe our argument by looking at the privacy policy implemented by Apple in 2021. Our findings demonstrate the growing role played by digital companies in global regulatory debates and call attention to how market structures can simultaneously incentivize public-interest regulation and become a source of business power.".
Dec. 12, 2024
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► Référence complète : M.-A. Frison-Roche, La chaîne de valeur, nouvel espace de Régulation par la Compliance, document de travail, décembre 2024
📝 Ce document de travail est la base de l'article, "La chaîne de valeur, nouvel espace de régulation par la compliance", in 📕L'Obligation de Compliance
► Résumé du document de travail :
🔓lire le document de travail ci-dessous⤵️
Dec. 6, 2024
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► Référence complète : M.-A. Frison-Roche, "Régulation et Compliance", in série de vidéos Surplomb, 6 décembre 2024
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Oct. 29, 2024
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► Référence complète : M.-A. Frison-Roche, "Droit processuel de la Régulation et de la Compliance", in série de vidéos Surplomb, 29 octobre 2024
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Sept. 27, 2024
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► Référence complète : M.-A. Frison-Roche, "La durabilité, coeur dynamique de la Régulation et de la Compliance", in série de vidéos Surplomb, 27 septembre 2024
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Sept. 20, 2024
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► Référence complète : M.-A. Frison-Roche, "De quoi la nouvelle chambre du TJ Paris est-elle le signe ?", in série de vidéos Surplomb, 20 septembre 2024
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Updated: July 8, 2024 (Initial publication: Dec. 15, 2023)
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► Full Reference: M.-A. Frison-Roche, Duty of vigilance: the way forward, Working Paper, December 2023/July 2024.
🎤 This working paper has been drawn up to serve as a basis for the conclusions of the colloquium Le devoir de vigilance: l'âge de la maturité? ("The duty of vigilance: the age of maturity?") organised by the University of Montpellier on 25 May 2023.
📝 Updated and developed, it serves as the basis for the article that concludes the book Le devoir de vigilance des entreprises : l'âge de la maturité? ("The duty of vigilance: the age of maturity?"), Editions Bruylant, 2024.
► Working Paper summary: In 2017 in France the so-called Vigilance law expressed great ambition. So did the draft directive. But in 2024 the European institutions moderated this ambition by refusing to increase either the type of companies subject and the constraints to which the duty of vigilance is associated. The directive has essentially halted what was for some the "march of progress". Does the ambition no longer exist? Does the future lie in an extension of the philosophy of the duty of vigilance, i.e. companies that should always be more concerned about others? This would undoubtedly be reaching the "age of maturity", where others see the age of madness, because it would be a contradiction in terms to ask a company to be concerned about anything other than its own development.
It is therefore appropriate to consider this very hypothesis of an "age of maturity" as being an ambition maintained despite a European directive which, in its adopted version, is weakened and while the oppositions are intact (I). First of all, it must be admitted that the notion of "maturity" most often conceals a value judgment when applied to a legal concept (I.A.) and that this is blatantly obvious with regard to the duty of vigilance, which is considered by some and by nature by some as a good and by others as an evil (I.B).
In order not to remain in what appears to be trench warfare, we must not get too bogged down in the reference French legislation of 2017 and what appears to be a European stutter in 2024, arguing so loudly that we can hear them reasoning in print, by paying attention to less visible and now more promising avenues of progress (II). In fact, the duty of vigilance can progress simply by the passage of time (II.A), by a better definition of the vocabulary (II.B), by the consolidation of the principles of Responsibility and Dialogue (II.C), by the uniqueness of the jurisdictional route (II.D).
This last perspective of the progress that will be made possible in France by the uniqueness of the judicial route leads to a final avenue of progress. By their very nature, laws are jolts, all the more violent for being disputed. At the moment, if we want to make progress, these two other sources - the contract and the judge - must be favoured (III). The European directive is rightly concerned with access to the courts and takes a measured view of the effectiveness of contracts as a means of making the duty of vigilance effective, with the courts having to ensure that the contract does not destroy the spirit of the system. This is what the law already organises about the relationship between the contract, the judge and the duty of compliance (III.A). What is new in Europe in 2024 is the introduction of a Supervisor (III.B). Here again, vigilance is the "cutting edge" of Compliance Law, as it is an extension of Regulatory Law.
The result is that, through interpretation and the handling of principles, and to formulate a more general conclusion, it is the judge who holds and will hold the balance of the duty of vigilance.
🔓read the Working Paper below⤵️
June 19, 2024
Thesaurus : Soft Law
► Référence complète : Commission d'enquête du Sénat, Les moyens mobilisés et mobilisables par l’État pour assurer la prise en compte et le respect par le groupe TotalEnergies des obligations climatiques et des orientations de la politique étrangère de la France, juin 2024, 350 p.
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April 4, 2024
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► Full Reference: M.-A. Frison-Roche, "Le rôle du juge dans le déploiement du droit de la régulation par le droit de la compliance" ("Synthesis: The role of the Judge in the deployment of Regulatory Law through Compliance Law"), Synthesis in Conseil d'État (French Council of State) and Cour de cassation (French Court of cassation), De la régulation à la compliance : quel rôle pour le juge ? Regards croisés du Conseil d'Etat et de la Cour de cassation - Colloque du 2 juin 2023, La Documentation française, "Droits et Débats" Serie, 2024, pp. 173-182
🚧read the bilingual Working Paper which is the basis of this article, with additional developments, technical references and hyperlinks
► Presentation of this concluding article: It is remarkable to note the unity of conception and practice between professionals who tend to work in administrative jurisdictions and professionals who tend to work in judicial jurisdictions: they all note, in similar terms, an essential movement: what Regulatory Law is, how it has been transformed into Compliance Law, and how in one and even more so in the other the Judge is at the centre of it.
Judges, as well as Regulators and European officials, explain this and use different examples to illustrate the far-reaching changes it brings to the Law and to the companies responsible for increasing the systemic effectiveness of the rules through the practice and dissemination of a Culture of Compliance.
The role of the judge participating in this Ex Ante transformation is renewed, whether he/she is a judge of Public Law or a judge of Private Law, in a greater unity of the legal system.
► English Summary of this article: The tug-of-war between 'Compliance' and 'conformity', which is exhausting us, obscures what is essential, i.e. the great novelty of a branch of law that assumes a humanist vision expressing the ambition to shape the future so that it is not catastrophic (preventing systems from collapsing), or even better (protecting human beings in these systems).
The article begins by describing the emergence of Compliance Law, as an extension of Regulatory Law and going beyond it. This new branch of law takes account of our new world, brings its benefits and seeks to counter these systemic dangers so that human beings could be their beneficiaries and are not crushed by them. This branch of Ex Ante Law is therefore political, often supported by public Authorities, such as Regulatory Authorities, but today it goes beyond sectors, as shown by its cutting edge, the Obligation of Vigilance.
The "Monumental Goals" in which Compliance Law is normatively anchored imply a teleological interpretation, leading to an "empowerment" of the crucial operators, not only States but also companies, responsible for the effectiveness of the many new Compliance Tools.
The article goes on to show that Judges are increasingly central to Compliance Law. Lawsuits are designed to make companies more accountable. In this transformation, the role of the judge is also to remain the guardian of the Rule of Law, both in the protection of the rights of the defence and in the protection of secrets. Efficiency is not what defines Compliance, which should not be reduced to a pure and simple method of efficiency, which would lead to being an instrument of dictatorship. This is why the principle of Proportionality is essential in the judge's review of the requirements arising from this so powerful branch of Law.
The courts are thus faced with a new type of dispute, of a systemic nature, in their own area, which must not be distorted: the Area of Justice.
📝read article (in French)
April 4, 2024
Thesaurus : Doctrine
► Full Reference: Conseil d'État (French Administrative Supreme Court) & Cour de cassation (French Judiciary Supreme Court), De la régulation à la compliance : quel rôle pour le juge ? Regards croisés du Conseil d'Etat et de la Cour de cassation, ("From Regulatory Law to Compliance Law: what role for the Judge?"), La Documentation française, coll. "Droits et Débats", 2024, 241 p.
📗read the coverback (in French)
📗read the table of content (in French)
► Summary of this book : "Compliance, sometimes translated in French by the word "conformité" ("conformity"), is an extension of Regulatory Law and represents from it a new and decisive step forward.
Compliance brings together all the mechanisms implemented within an organisation to achieve general interest goals (security, sustainability), thereby countering systemic risks. By relying on the rules, legal and ethical standards that embody these values, which are imposed on them and internalised by them, enterprises can both prevent the risk of sanctions and participate in this alliance between public authorities, economic operators and stakeholders to detect and prevent future systemic disasters.
Organisé par le Conseil d’État et la Cour de cassation, le colloque du 2 juin 2023 analyse ce changement de paradigme créé par cette nouvelle branche du droit.".
Organised by the Conseil d'État (French Administrative Supreme Court) and the Cour de cassation (French Judiciary Supreme Court), the conference on 2 June 2023, basis of this book, has analysed this paradigm shift created by this new branch of law: Compliance Law.
📝read the presentation in English of the concluding contribution of Marie-Anne Frison-Roche : "Le rôle du juge dans le déploiement du droit de la régulation par le droit de la compliance"
📝read the presentation in English of the contribution of François Ancel : "Quel rôle pour le juge aujourd’hui dans la compliance ? Quel office processuel du juge dans la compliance ?"
March 16, 2024
► Référence complète : R.-O. Maistre, "La place du Droit de la compliance dans la régulation de l’espace numérique", entretien mené par M.-A. Frison-Roche à l'occasion d'une série d'entretiens sur le Droit de la Compliance, in Fenêtres ouvertes sur la gestion, émission de J.-Ph. Denis, Xerfi Canal, enregistré le 12 décembre 2023, diffusé le 16 mars 2024
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► Point de départ : En 2022, Roch-Olivier Maistre écrit une contribution sur 📝Quels buts fondamentaux pour le régulateur dans un paysage audiovisuel et numérique en pleine mutation ?, dans 📕Les Buts Monumentaux de la Compliance.
🧱lire la présentation de cette contribution ➡️cliquerICI
► Résumé de l'entretien :
Marie-Anne Frison-Roche : Question : L’Arcom a un rôle central en matière de Compliance. Pourriez-vous nous présenter cette Autorité de régulation qu’est l’Arcom ?
Roch-Olivier Maistre : Réponse : le Président Roch-Olivier Maistre décrit le rôle de l'Arcom, autorité qui résulte du CSA et de l'Hadopi, le législateur décidant de créer un nouveau grand Régulateur en charge à la fois de l'audiovisuel et du numérique. Cette Autorité collégiale s'assure du bon fonctionnement de ce secteur et est engagée dans la régulation des nouveaux acteurs du numérique.
MaFR : Q. : Comment Régulation et Compliance s’articulent-elles dans la mise en œuvre des missions de l’Arcom ?
R.O.M. : R. : Il répond qu'il s'agit d'une approche complémentaire. Coercition, sanctions s'y articulent. Il s'agit de préserver la liberté d'expression et de communication. Pour cela, objectifs de valeur constitutionnelle, les opérateurs doivent agir pour que ces objectifs soient atteints. Pour cela, ils sont supervisés par l'Autorité qu'est l'Arcom, qui intervient qu'ils ne se conforment à ces obligations de compliance. Lorsqu'il ne s'agit pas de l'audiovisuel, où le contenu est encore possible car il s'agit d'un "monde fini", mais qu'il s'agit du monde numérique, où les contenus se répandent d'une façon virale, c'est aux opérateurs d'agir : la Régulation et la Compliance agissent donc d'une façon complémentaire.
Nov. 17, 2023
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► Full Reference: M.-A. Frison-Roche, "The deployment of Regulatory Law through Compliance Law in the European project", in G. Hardy & F. Picod, Compliance Regulation from a European Perspective, Law and European Affairs (L.E.A.), 2023/2, pp. 345-352.
🚧read the bilingual Working Paper which is the basis of this article, with additional developments, technical references and hyperlinks
► English Summary of the article: Compliance Law is neither a method of obeying regulations, nor a simple neutral method of ensuring the effectiveness of norms, nor a means of enforcement displaced from Ex Post to Ex Ante. It is an extension of Regulatory Law and goes beyond it. Like it, it aims to build spaces according to a political project specific to an area, such as Europe. Branch of Law looking to the future as Regulatory Law does, it constructs and maintains, in a systemic way, sustainable, albeit unstable, balances to achieve the ‘Monumental Goals’ in which its normativity resides: security, sustainability, probity, truth, and dignity. By internalising these Monumental Goals in the companies that are in a position to achieve them, the “crucial companies”, Compliance Law preserves the logic of Regulatory Law, offering it a prodigious expansion since it frees it from the condi- tion of a sector and territorial borders, which seemed tautological, by associating private powers and public will, which remains primary. In this way, Compliance can regulate the digital space and climate issue through political choices made by a sovereign Europe.
Aug. 31, 2023
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► Référence complète : M.-A. Frison-Roche, "Le prolongement du Droit de la Régulation par le Droit de la Compliance : fixer les buts et superviser les moyens", in XXIV Jornadas Internacionales de Derecho Administrativo (XXIVièmes Journées internationales de Droit administratif), Université Externado de Colombie, Bogota, 31 août 2023.
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Présentation de la conférence : Dans le temps imparti, il n'est pas discuté de la façon dont les États se transforment pour devenir des "États Régulateurs" : cela est exposé dans d'autres contributions. Il est donc ici pris pour acquis que les Etats sont "Régulateurs" à la fois dans leur conception même (c'est-à-dire qu'ils accompagnent l'économie de marché pour l'infléchir en s'appuyant sur elle) et dans des techniques nouvelles, notamment la mise en place des Autorités de Régulation. C'est ainsi que naît une branche spéciale du Droit : le Droit de la Régulation. Celui-ci demeure encore ancré dans le Droit administratif à beaucoup d'égard (cela non plus n'est pas discuté ici).
En quelque sorte, la présente contribution porte sur l'étape suivante, qui consiste au développement de cette sorte d'étape qu'est l'Etat Régulateur, qu'exprime le Droit de la Régulation, dans le Droit de la Compliance. Il convient de conserver ce terme américain de "compliance", malgré toutes ses ambiguïtés, parce que l'instant on n'en a pas trouvé d'autres ...
La conférence est bâtie en dix points, succinctement développés dans le document de travail sous-jacent.
🚧Lire le document de travail sous-jacent à la conférence.
July 15, 2023
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► Full Reference: M.-A. Frison-Roche, The deployment of Regulatory Law through Compliance Law in the European project, Working Paper, July 2023.
📝this Working Paper is the basis for the article "Le déploiement du Droit de la Régulation par le Droit de la Compliance dans le projet européen" ("The deployment of Regulatory Law through Compliance Law in the European project"), which is part of the special issue La régulation par la compliance, perspective européenne, published in French by the Revue des affaires européennes (Law and European Affairs).
► Summary of this Working Paper: Compliance Law is neither a method of obeying regulations, nor a simple neutral method of ensuring the effectiveness of norms, nor a means of enforcement displaced from Ex Post to Ex Ante. It is an extension of Regulatory Law and goes beyond it. Like it, it aims to build spaces according to a political project specific to an area, such as Europe. Branch of Law looking to the future as Regulatory Law does, it constructs and maintains, in a systemic way, sustainable, albeit unstable, balances to achieve the 'Monumental Goals' in which its normativity resides: : security, sustainability, probity, truth, and dignity. By internalising these Monumental Goals in the companies in a position to achieve them, the "crucial companies", Compliance Law preserves the logic of Regulatory Law, offering it a prodigious expansion since it frees it from the condition of a sector and territorial borders, which seemed tautological, by associating private powers and public will, which remains primary. In this way, Compliance can regulate the digital space and climate issue through political choices made by a sovereign Europe.
🔓read the developments below⤵️