July 10, 2001
► Full Reference: M.-A. Frison-Roche, "Le droit d’accès à l’information, ou le nouvel équilibre de la propriété" (The right of access to information, or the new balance of ownership), in Studies given to Professor Pierre Catala, Le droit français à la fin du XX° siècle, Litec, 2001, pp.759-770.
📝read the article (in French)
📙read the general presentation of the collective book given to Professor Pierre Catala, in which this article is published (in French): Le droit français à la fin du XXième siècle
► English summary of this article: Based on Professor Pierre Catala's idea that there is a 'right to information', a new subjective right of a proprietary nature, the article develops the idea that the right of access to information is also a subjective right.
Just as there is full ownership of information, the primary value on which our societies are built, there is also a right of access to it for third parties, and it is the fullness of this latter right that makes the possibility of ownership by the former bearable. So it is the balance between these two subjective rights, ownership of information on the one hand and third party access to information on the other, that ensures the durability of the liberal system of information ownership. It is even the legitimacy of third party access that today confers the legitimacy that must be given to the appropriation of information.