Sept. 1, 2014

Editorial responsibilities : Direction of the collection "Cours-Série Droit privé", Editions Dalloz (33)

Branch collection: "Cours Dalloz - Série Droit privé" (Lecture Series-Dalloz Private Law)

MAINGUI, Daniel : "Droit des contrats spéciaux" (Special contracts Law)

In this "Course" for both students and practitioners whose 9th edition just out, Daniel Mainguy outlines specific legal technics to various special contracts depending on whether they relate to a thing or a service .

For each special contract, the book explains the rules of its own and draw in both the Civil Code and the laws of its own, and the jurisprudence that has accumulated about it.

"Usual Contracts" better than "special contracts", they reflect all our lives, from the everyday (sale, loan, etc.) to the most sophisticated packages.

Complete reference : MAINGUI, Daniel, Droit des contrats spéciaux (Special contracts Law), Coll. "Cours Dalloz-Série Droit privé", Dalloz, 1st ed., 1998 / 9ne ed., 2014, 617 p.

To read (in French) the cover back.

To read (in French) the  table of contents.

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