Feb. 24, 2024


🕴️MaFR interviews 🕴️Jacques Beyssade

🎥Compliance and governance (example of a banking group), interview with 🕴️Jacques Beyssade by Marie-Anne Frison-Roche, 🎬 Series of talks on Compliance Law, in 📺 Open windows on management

by Entretien entre Marie-Anne Frison-Roche et Jacques Beyssade

pour lire cette présentation en français ↗️ cliquer sur le drapeau français

Full reference: J. Beyssade, "Compliance et gouvernance (exemple d'un groupe bancaire)" (Compliance and governance (example of a banking group)), interview conducted by M.-A. Frison-Roche on the occasion of a series of interviews on Compliance Law, in Fenêtres ouvertes sur la gestion (Open windows on management), broadcast by J.-Ph. Denis, Xerfi Canal, recorded December 12, 2023, recorded February 24, 2024


🌐consult the presentation of Jacques Beyssade's interview on LinkedIn


🎥view the full interview on Xerfi Canal


Starting point: In 2022, Jacques Beyssade wrote a contribution on 📝Feminisation of positions of responsibility in the workplace as a goal of Compliance, in 📘Compliance Monumental Goals

🧱read the presentation of this contribution ➡️click HERE


Summary of interview: 

Marie-Anne Frison-Roche. Question: Compliance and governance are often linked. Can you explain how, in the strategy of a banking group like BPCE, this link between compliance and governance is articulated?

Jacques Beyssade. Answer. Compliance is not just a matter of obeying the rules, but also, and perhaps even more so, of respecting customers, suppliers, stakeholders and members. For a mutualist structure, customers and member-policyholders are closer, they are the same social body, and so it's a matter of governance.


MaFR. Q.: Let's take a concrete example, where Compliance and governance serve a specific purpose: effective equality between men and women, for example. How does this work in your Group?

J.B. R.: This objective is in the genes of BPCE, and in particular of the savings banks. The Copé-Zimmermann law requires it. We go beyond this constraint, at the level of governance. The management board, or executive committee, is egalitarian, and this also works as an example. Compliance takes up the baton, for example, by identifying talent, particularly female talent, and correcting any anomalies. 


MaFR. Q.: In the future, can we hope that this alliance between new governance and the power of Compliance, with the same Monumental Goals, will transform our societies?

J.B. R.: Changes in society come from the behavior of individuals and companies, as demonstrated by the opening of savings accounts to women in the 19th century. Both can do a great deal, within the framework of regulations, by going beyond them. Through governance, for example in a mutual bank like BPCE, it's the members who set the rules, reflecting social movements because they themselves are representative of society as a whole. In this way, through the alliance of governance and compliance, they can act to give concrete expression to the fundamental social movements they themselves represent, through the broad representation of the social body that the member-policyholders constitute.


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